For You

You don't have to be rich or famous to write your autobiography or memoir.

StoriesKept makes it simple for you to record your life story. Pass on life lessons, values, traditions and memories to the ones you love. With our unique questions, you will have a legacy your family will treasure for years to come.

The Perfect Gift

If you know someone who has shown interest in preserving a piece of your family history, then StoriesKept is the absolutely perfect gift!

A recent survey revealed that one of the biggest regrets most people have is not asking more about their parents and grandparents lives.

For Healthcare

In addition to passing down wisdom, recalling the past is a proven way for older adults to experience self worth, learn more about themselves, and give the gift of their stories to the next generation.

Studies have proven that reminiscing can slow the onset of dementia and plays an important part in healthy aging and wellness.

How StoriesKept Works

We guide you each step of the way

StoriesKept provides an online list of memory prompts that guide you through the process of recording your life story. The questions have been carefully selected to bring out interesting and detailed accounts of the various parts of your life. Our questions are thought provoking, open ended, and carefully structured to help make your life story flow.

From childhood memories, through to your school and middle years, and up into your senior years, we have each part of your life covered. We have hundreds of questions broken into the different stages of your life.

Our questions gather information that defines you who you are, and the things that are most important to you.

We have dedicated sections related to your education, military history and travel adventures. We even have questions that recall memories from times of landmark world events. (Eg The Moon Landing, Assassination of JFK, and 9/11)

If you’re not ready to write your entire life story yet, dive into our “Reflection” category, where you will be asked interesting (and sometimes funny) questions that reveal your interests and opinions on a wide range of topics.

Use AI or Write Yourself

Improve your memoir-writing experience with StoriesKept’s powerful AI-powered writing assistant.

Our AI assistant is designed to collaborate with you seamlessly. It can generate draft content by utilizing the notes you provide, helping you get your thoughts on paper without the struggle.

It creates logical structures for your narrative, ensuring your life story flows naturally.

While AI aids in content generation, you’re in complete control. Keep the AI-generated content as-is, or modify it to match your unique style and voice.

Some memories are best written without assistance. With StoriesKept, you can toggle the AI on or off at any point during your writing process.

Remember, our AI-powered writing assistant is just that—an assistant. It respects your authorship and aims to make the memoir-writing process more efficient and enjoyable.

Whether you draft entirely on your own, collaborate with AI, or strike a balance between the two, StoriesKept provides the tools you need to craft a compelling memoir that preserves the essence of your life.

Do it in your own time

Our unique software allows you to tackle your life story in your own order, and in your own way.  While some people like to start at the beginning and work through the years, others prefer to jump around and complete their story as memories come to mind.

Do it at your convenience, and at your own pace. It doesn’t matter if you take holidays, have work commitments or need to spend time with your family. Everything you have written will be waiting for you when you return.

StoriesKept allows you to ignore questions that don’t appeal to you.  You can write single sentence answers – or you can write paragraphs of text for each question.  You can attach photos and use the StoriesKept formatting logic to produce your final book.

It doesn’t matter which approach you take, StoriesKept will keep everything in order and will produce an amazing document that can be printed at home or sent to a self publishing house to be professionally printed and bound.

Image Optimization / Print on Demand

We know that people love to include images in their life story.

StoriesKept allows you to upload high-resolution photos and images directly from your camera or document scanner.  The clever logic built into the software means you don’t need to worry about the size or placement of your images.

StoriesKept ensures your images always look great and are resized to print correctly (and at the best resolution) for any of the built-in pages sizes.

We don’t lock you into a specific company to produce your final book. The number of pages is not restricted, and there is space for hundreds of images.

When you are finished, you can use the high-quality Word Document to modify and print a copy at home or send it away to be printed and bound. We support A4, Letter, A5, Crown Quarto, and B-Format sizes (or you can format other sizes, styles, and layouts inside Word). These are all industry-standard formats that can be utilized by almost any print-on-demand service to produce a lavishly illustrated book of your life.

I like the way the software organized my writing and photos automatically. When I was writing with Microsoft Word, managing the images was a nightmare, and the more I wrote, the slower the process became. StoriesKept has made it so much easier.

Peter J. Fitzgerald

What an absolutely fantastic site! I wish I had known about it a few months ago as it would have been awesome for my best friend to do for her kids and grandkids - sadly she passed away in March.

Tracy White

I wish I had this before my mother died. She had so many interesting stories from her childhood that my kids never got to hear. I am looking forward to writing my life story so I can pass on some of my mother experiences through my own journey.

Jessica White

My father had been toying with the idea of writing his memoirs for a while but didn't know where to start. When I saw I could get him a gift subscription for StoriesKept, I was immediately sold on the idea. With a little bit of encouragement to get started, my dad is now digging through old photo albums and writing his memoirs.

Richard McLaren

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Work at your own pace, and tackle it in your own order


Your story is completely private until you decide to share it


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